IMPACT! Projects
Check out a few of the many IMPACT! projects completed by Members in 2023 and 2024.
Cat Rescue & Sanctuary
Kathleen Perez (Nest 36, Southwestern CT) applied for IMPACT! funds support BetterDays Rescue Fund. The Fund is run by a group of volunteers who care for cats with special needs such as blindness, deafness, amputations, or chronic illnesses. (2023)
Personal Hygiene Bags
Olivia Schaefer (Nest 176, Pittsburgh, PA) applied for IMPACT! funds to put together personal hygiene bags for foster children and others in need. Olivia is the youngest Member yet to complete an IMPACT! project. She filled and donated 61 bags to the Children's Home Society of West Virginia. Said Olivia, "There are people who do not have everything I have and take for granted. They shouldn’t have to worry about being able to take care of themselves." (2023)
Transitional Housing Garden
Debra Varnak (Nest 564, LaPorte, IN) applied for IMPACT! funds to purchase plants for the Stepping Stone Shelter for Women’s transitional housing garden. The Shelter provides housing to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Debra was able to purchase soil, planter boxes, tools, an assortment of vegetable plants and several herbs for the garden. (2024)
Mattress Pad Donations
Lori Stoklosa (Nest 6, Buffalo, N.Y.) applied for IMPACT! funds to support Nest 6’s Happy Hour, which was held to collect mattress pads and monetary donations for Sleep in Heavenly Peace’s Buffalo Chapter. Sleep in Heavenly Peace is a national organization that provides beds and bedding to children in need. The Nest donated multiple mattress pads and $320 in monetary donations. (2024)
Farm Animal Sanctuary
Frank Wloch (Nest 31, Detroit, MI) applied for IMPACT! funds to support the Pan Equus Animal Sanctuary in Oxford, Mich. The Sanctuary has 80 acres of land and is dedicated to providing care and comfort for abused and neglected farm animals at all stages of their life. The Sanctuary is operated entirely through donations and volunteers. (2023)
Fundraiser & Walk
Mary Pluta (Nest 4, South Bend, IN) applied for IMPACT! funds to support Team Jerry's Kids in the American Cancer Society's "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" Walk. Nest 4 held a fundraiser to raise money for the team. Team Jerry’s Kids collected over $14k and placed first in fundraising out of 99 local teams! (2023)